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Common myths about pregnancy

17-minute read

If you are pregnant, you might be getting a lot of advice from well-meaning people. You might be asking whether what they say is true. This article looks at some of the common myths you might hear and provides some answers.

Can eating peanuts and dairy make my baby allergic?

It's safe to eat these foods unless you yourself are allergic to them, or if your doctor advises you not to. There is no evidence that cutting out some foods will prevent your baby from being allergic to them, but limiting your diet can be harmful to your baby as you might not get all the nutrition you need.

There are some foods that are best to avoid during pregnancy. They include some soft cheeses, patés, raw meat or fish, raw or partly cooked eggs, and soft-serve ice cream.

Learn more about foods to avoid when pregnant.

Should I be 'eating for 2' while I'm pregnant?

There is no evidence to show that you need to eat for 2 when you’re pregnant. How much extra calories you need to eat will depend on your weight and height, how active you are and how far into your pregnancy you are.

In general, most women should eat about 350 to 450 additional calories per day while they are pregnant. That’s a couple of extra healthy snacks like fruit, a hard-boiled egg or a berry smoothie.

Overeating is bad for both you and your baby. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is what’s important.

Should I avoid having hot baths?

It’s perfectly safe to have a warm bath when pregnant but avoid becoming too hot. During pregnancy, hormonal changes might make you feel warmer than normal.

You should avoid saunas and spa baths as they can raise your core body temperature, which could lead to overheating, dehydration or fainting.

Can I tell if it's a boy or a girl?

The position of the baby in your tummy, holding a wedding ring over your abdomen and watching in which direction it turns, or how active the baby is, are all ways you may have heard to tell if you are having a boy or a girl-none of these methods are proven to work.

The non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) is a blood test available after 10 weeks that can reveal the sex of the baby. In many cases, an ultrasound scan can also let you know the sex of your baby. It isn’t 100% reliable, but you can ask the ultrasound technician to tell you what they can see. You can also ask them not to tell you if you want to wait until the birth to find out.

Can I dye my hair while pregnant?

The low level of chemicals found in hair dye is generally thought to be safe. However, many women still prefer to avoid dyeing their hair in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you dye your hair, you can leave it on for as short a time as possible, or use semi-permanent vegetable dye.

If you are a hairdresser, make sure you wear gloves when using hair dye and work in a well-ventilated space.

Should I avoid exercise while pregnant?

All pregnant women without complications are encouraged to do regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. Most exercises that you did before pregnancy will be safe, check with your doctor or midwife if you’re not sure.

If your pregnancy is uncomplicated, you should aim to do exercise for 30 minutes each day.

Avoid exercises that put you at risk of a fall, such as horse riding, skiing or cycling. You might find you become breathless or feel hot more quickly during pregnancy. As a general rule, a light to moderate level should allow you to hold a conversation as you exercise when pregnant. If you become breathless as you talk, you’re probably exercising too strenuously.

Learn more about exercising during pregnancy.

Does morning sickness only happens in the morning?

Nausea (and/or vomiting) during pregnancy can occur at any time of day, due to changes in your hormones. For most women, it's more common in the morning and begins to improve after 3 months. But for some women, it's different.

Can I have a cat in the house when I'm pregnant?

There is no need to give away your pets when you become pregnant. However, there is a disease called toxoplasmosis that can be harmful to your unborn baby, and you can become infected by handling cat’s faeces. Ask someone else to change your cat’s litter, or wear gloves to do this — as well as when gardening — while you are pregnant.

Learn more about toxoplasmosis.

Will creams help avoid stretch marks?

There is no evidence that creams or oils can remove or prevent stretch marks, which often fade in time.

Learn more about stretch marks.

Does heartburn means my baby has lots of hair?

One small research study showed there might be a connection between having heartburn in pregnancy and the thickness of your baby's hair. However, heartburn is quite common in pregnancy.

Is it unsafe to hang washing on the line?

Reaching up above your head and hanging washing on the line is safe. It is unlikely that it will affect your baby's umbilical cord in any way. Your midwife or doctor will advise you if there are any activities that are unsafe for you in pregnancy.

Do I need to prepare my nipples for breastfeeding?

There is no evidence that you need to prepare or toughen your nipples before birth.

Learn more about breastfeeding.

Can I fly on a plane during pregnancy?

Flying is generally safe for both you and your baby during pregnancy. However, before making any travel plans, it's important to discuss any health concerns or complications with your midwife or doctor.

Some airlines may require a letter from your midwife or doctor confirming your due date and ensuring you're not at risk of complications, and may not allow you to fly after a certain week of pregnancy. . Before booking, check your airline's policy online to stay informed.

Ensuring your travel insurance covers pregnancy and bringing along your medical notes are essential steps for a smooth journey.

Learn more about travel and pregnancy.

Can I have sex while pregnant?

Unless you have been told by your maternity care provider not to have sex, then it’s fine to have sex at any stage during pregnancy, as long as you both want to.

If you have any vaginal bleeding, placenta praevia, your waters have broken, or there’s a risk you may go into premature labour, it’s likely you’ll be advised not to have sex.

It’s normal for your sex drive to change in pregnancy. Some enjoy sex during pregnancy and others don’t.

Learn more about sex during pregnancy.

Will my baby will arrive on their due date?

While it’s important to have an accurate due date so that you and your healthcare team can monitor your pregnancy appropriately, your due date is only an estimate.

The exact timing of your baby’s birth is unpredictable. Babies are considered ‘term’ and are usually born anywhere between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. Only about 4 out of every 100 babies are born on their actual due date.

Learn more about your due date.

Speak to a maternal child health nurse

Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.

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Last reviewed: January 2024

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About Pregnancy, Birth and Baby

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby is a national service from the Australian Government providing advice, support and information for parents.

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About pregnancy, birth and baby care | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

About 300,000 babies are born each year. The health of mothers – and what they do before, during and after pregnancy – affects their babies at birth and for the rest of their lives. Good support for parents and babies is critical to giving babies the best start.

Read more on Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website

Colds and flu in babies and children

Information on the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments of coughs, colds, flu and RSV in children and babies and when to seek medical advice.

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