Birth in the time of COVID-19 - podcast
2-minute read
Listen to Dianne Zalitis, midwife, talk to Feed Play Love with Shevonne Hunt about being pregnant and having your baby during COVID-19.
Key points
- Your antenatal care should continue. Speak to your doctor, midwife or hospital to find out if there is anything you need to know before you go for your checkup.
- Pregnant women are missing the face-to-face connections they would normally have during antenatal birthing classes.
- As restrictions on gatherings start to ease, it will get better.
- Stick to your birth plan. If you planned to give birth in hospital or birthing centre, it is still the safest places for you to have your baby.
- Many parents are being sent home early from the hospital, so feel like they are missing out on those important lessons you learn from the midwives in the hospital.
- You might be feeling isolated and not sure what to do, but you can do it and there are plenty of places available to provide support and advice.
- If you choose to do so, continue to breastfeed, just remember to practice good hand and cough hygiene.
- Maternity hospital are still functioning with plenty of staff and extra safeguards to keep you and your baby safe.
Where can I read more?
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and pregnancy
- Antenatal care during your pregnancy
- Check-ups, tests and scans available during your pregnancy
- Bringing your baby home early from hospital
- Who can I call for information and advice?
- COVID-19 and kids
Who can I call for support?
- Speak to your doctor, midwife or obstetrician
- Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436 to speak to a maternal child health nurse
- Australian Breastfeeding Association on 1800 686 268
- PANDA on 1300 726 306
Feed Play Love
Feed Play Love with Shevonne Hunt in an Australian parenting podcast that brings together expert advice and real-life stories from parents. Feed Play Love presents short, helpful segments focusing on supporting parents and providing useful information and advice.
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Last reviewed: July 2022