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What is a higher risk pregnancy?
A higher risk pregnancy means that you or your baby have more of a chance of problems during pregnancy. Learn what this means for you and your baby.
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Bleeding during pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is relatively common, but you should always seek medical attention immediately if it happens to you.
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Warning signs during pregnancy
Many changes to your body during pregnancy are normal, but some signs may indicate complications. Learn to recognise them and seek help if necessary.
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Placenta accreta
Placenta accreta is a serious but rare pregnancy complication that causes heavy bleeding. If you have it, you will need special care at the birth.
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PCOS and pregnancy
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can affect fertility and increase risk of pregnancy complications. With help, people with PCOS can fall pregnant.
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Vasa praevia
Vasa praevia is a rare pregnancy condition that affects the blood vessels between your baby and the placenta. Learn how vasa praevia is managed.
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Complications during pregnancy
Some women will experience complications such as bleeding, itching high blood pressure or severe vomiting during pregnancy that will require treatment.
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Placental abruption
Placental abruption is when your placenta partially or completely separates from the wall of the uterus before your baby’s birth.
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Your body after stillbirth or neonatal death
After a stillbirth or neonatal death, your body may experience changes that come with giving birth. Find out what to expect and where to find support.
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Placental insufficiency
Placental insufficiency is when the placenta doesn’t provide enough oxygen and nutrients for your baby. Find out about symptoms, causes and risks.
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